Techspressionist Artist

My artwork is a pioneering synthesis of modern physics, neuroscience, and spirituality; using advanced technology to create printed works of fine art inspired by an aesthetic that is both thought-provoking and unorthodox.

Our universe is so much grander than we realize. We go about our daily lives within a very limited range of existence that too often hinders our appreciation for the fractal-like tapestry of the abstract reality beyond our senses. To truly understand the universe, as well as ourselves; we need a profound shift away from the narrow and skewed perspective of old notions.

My artwork presents just such a shift; integrating elements of chaos theory, quantum mechanics, cosmology, neuroscience, dreams, along with Indigenous and Buddhist wisdoms into a cohesive artistic framework.

My pixels are my Lascaux; animals on cave walls are now neural network induced marks deciphering modern physics. My sigils calling in the powers of the gods are found in the underlying code of software programs that inspire my creativity. My art is about contemplation; of seeing our humanity in the abstract and surreal beauty of a universe too often beyond our imagination. A beauty in subatomic collisions, a crawling ant, and a spiral galaxy.

Visit the official Techspressionism website to learn more.

The World Is Not As It Seems.

No Change Is Permanent

But Change Is.

Nothing Is Sacred.

I Am A Heretic.

Gears Of War (à la da Vinci)


Without mathematics, there is no art. Luca Pacioli

To be creative means to connect. It's to abolish the gap between the body, the mind and the soul, between science and art, between fiction and nonfiction. Nawal El Saadawi

There are no rules. That is how art is born, how breakthroughs happen. Go against the rules or ignore the rules. That is what invention is about. Helen Frankenthaler

When the time comes to change a paradigm – to renounce one bedrock truth and adopt another – the artist and physicist are most likely to be in the forefront. Leonard Shlain

We do not belong to this material world that science constructs for us. We are not in it; we are outside. We are only spectators. The reason why we believe that we are in it, that we belong to the picture, is that our bodies are in the picture. Our bodies belong to it. Not only my own body, but those of my friends, also of my dog and cat and horse, and of all the other people and animals. And this is my only means of communicating with them. Erwin Schrödinger